Universe of Advanced Chemistry

August 13, 2018

Introduction to spectroscopy (Cont.)

Albert told me "Is there only one type of secondary media involved?"

Those who still don't know albert, please go through the first post first by clicking here => Introduction to spectroscopy

I replied "No, there are not a single secondary media!"

There are various techniques to identify the molecule. One technique suits best for a single purpose. However they can play a supportive role in characterizing the compounds.

Let's See

So, If My target is to analyse the compound's crystal structure... Albert stops me "those like X-Ray plate? When My hand was injured severely? that type?"

Hahah, Albert! You are just a funny guy! Really

yes, you have told it correctly, and it is nothing other than X-Ray Diffraction Method.

Albert pleased! and continued listening...

Now, in this way, we can use UV, IR, NMR, Mossbauer, ESR , Mass etc. to identify the molecules and conclude some properties of them.

But, since the basics of them are quite different we have to understand them one by one. And this is how, we are going to start our interesting spectroscopy part.

Albert may disturb some time but I assure without him topics may bore you.  :)

Actual mass of atom is not equal to the sum of the masses of proton, neutron & electron present in it.

Nuclear binding energy is the energy required to separate nuclear particles(neutron and proton)  of a nucleus.

some mass is disappeared during formation of nucleus gets converted into binding energy according to E=(∆m)c².
∆m= mass disappeared 
C= speed of light.

August 11, 2018

Introduction to spectroscopy

Two times, I have proved my eyes really worth for me.
One day, Albert, my childhood friend told me pointing towards an object "see there is an aeroplane " instantly I found it, and said "yes, it is a spice jet air bus". Albert got amazed and asked "how do you know that?"
"it is my power of eye. I have better resolution than you" I answered with smile.
another day, in night , there was no light in the street, may be for  electrical problem. It was very dark. Albert, frightened suddenly! there are two green eyes from the pavements watching over us, but when I switched on my high power torch light, he was very shy, because there was a dog on the pavement walking across us. I said "it is labrador, albert" . "yeah, I knew you have better resolution!! hahah" albert replied. 
in first case, it was easy both for us to find the aeroplane because we were able to see it. but in the second case it was quite dark. so I was unable to see it. only when I used light , I succeeded. thus though I have resolution better than albert, it did not work untill we see the object. therefore for the second case , credit goes to the torch light as well, this is the secondary media I used to find a thing in dark.
Now, the same thing happens in  chemical world. The molecules, which are so tiny, that we can not see them even with powerful microscope. We need more powerful secondary media, that can hit them and gives us a result. then we after analysing with our theoretical knowledge could assume their structure.
As they are quite beyond our eye's range, we often use more than one secondary media to confirm their structure.
and this secondary media is nothing but electromagnetic radiation. and their study, is called Spectroscopy.

spectroscopy is the branch of science concerned with the investigation and measurement of spectra produced when matter interacts with or emits electromagnetic radiation.

(will be continued...)


August 08, 2018

Project Opportunity for MSc Students.

Interested candidates may appear in person directly in the interview with application on prescribed form (Price Rs.50/-) to be obtained from the Information Section of the University. Original as well as attested copies of the Certificates, Mark sheets, CV and other Testimonials are to be produced at the time of interview.

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How many metamers are possible for C4H10O?

The metamers are those isomers which differ with respect to the nature of alkyl group around the same divalent functional group.
That means if there is a functional group, we must not change it, but we can change the alkyl groups connected with the functional group. 
thus based on the structure C4H10O We can get three ethers as metamars. And they are:

1. Ethoxyethane
2. 1-methoxypropane
3. 2-methoxypropane



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Introduction to spectroscopy (Cont.)

Albert told me "Is there only one type of secondary media involved?" Those who still don't know albert, please go through...

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